JusJoJan 2023 ~ Day 5

today’s prompt:  cancer

A teen in school back in the late 50s I chose the topic ‘Cancer’ for my term paper.

All work was completed at the local library since no computer, typewriter, nor set

of encyclopedias were waiting for me to use at home.

Thinking back, hard to remember exactly, I believe I received either a B+ or A- for

a grade.

Over half a century has passed since that year and to date people suffer from this

dreadful disease.

To think about Cancer knowing the myriad of friends and family members who

succumbed to it creates the feeling of sadness within me.


3 thoughts on “JusJoJan 2023 ~ Day 5

    1. Yes, it is.
      For me losing people to this disease began
      within a year of graduating high school ~ a female classmate ~ hard to fathom ~ so young.
      It continued thru the years losing 3 close
      friends, my own sister and most recently my
      youngest daughter’s fiancee’s twin brother’s wife (age 41) this year. 😢😢

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