National French Fries Day – July 13th

Oh dear, I missed the celebration!

I have to admit that it’s difficult to keep up with the times.


Most calendar days are ‘special’ for something only all are not

considered federal or state holidays.

Today I learned a bunch of fun facts about one of my favorite

fast food items, ‘French fries’.

Although by the nationality name before the ‘fries’ one might

assume their origination was French, their existence was traced

back to the 17th century in Belgium.

They actually were substitutes in the Belgium diet during winter

months for fried fish which was unavailable.

From Europe their popularity spread worldwide.

I wonder why this special day doesn’t claim title ‘International

French Fries Day’.

Today’s most popular fast food item was introduced to the

United States by President Thomas Jefferson.

Americans consume 30 pounds of potatoes per person per year.

(twenty-five percent ‘25%’ made into French fries).

They are served with burgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, subs, etc.

Usually fried although sometimes baked different countries refer to

them via distinct names.

US = French fries

French call them ‘pomme frites’.

Belgium = Belgium fries

UK one should ask for an order of ‘Chips’.

Spain refers to them as ‘patatas fritas’.

Some countries call fries ‘finger chips’.

Served with the usual ketchup, salt and vinegar is how I prefer

to enjoy my French fries.

Although the designated day to celebrate French fries has

passed, it’s never too late to indulge in one’s favorite fast food.

Three Day Streak

A new notification ‘never’ seen before . . . . .

Alerted me to the fact I’d posted ‘three’ days in a row.

It’s interesting how all branches of social media keep tabs on you.

We leave a lengthy path of what we do and where we go now fully aware thereof.

I see memories on Facebook of pictures and quotes posted ten plus years ago.

The messenger app when reinstalled surprised me with archived personal and group chats.

History has taken on a brand-new meaning with regard to personal privacy (non-exist).

Google oneself and you’d be quite surprised at the results as all hyperlinks

don’t actually contain truth results.

Who knew the internet would become such a huge filing cabinet when

officially introduced on January 1, 1983.

Three Things Challenge No: 659

Today’s words: type – beginning – escort

Let me sit and think a bit how to use the above three words.

Uumm – the silent type – timed writings typed words (usual stuff)

Currently looking at the most recent pop-up window informing me

of when or if I should plain click restart now to install another

update is beginning to turn up the heat and not via the thermostat.

In order to remain sane I may have to once again follow guidelines

or opt to become a new statistic ‘unglued’ and ‘in need’ of a local

technician to escort my laptop for unforeseen repairs.

Chuckle! Chuckle!

Definitely love those random intrusive thoughts – could be I’m bored.

Word of the Day: Telephone

Time changes.

Either we adapt or we fall behind.

Technology is constantly changing which requires learning the new stuff.

Today cell phones are everywhere – rings and dings for older folk a nightmare.

I sure wish I could turn back time and carry on a conversation without interruptions.

What happened to actual human interaction? Why is everyday life now complicated?

Questions. questions and more questions.

Gone are the days we could sit quietly with our princess phone or prepare our meals

while chatting with a friend thanks to an extra-long phone cord attached to our

wall phone.

Today we carry around our phones. They are onboard everywhere we choose to visit.

Unless we shut them off, there is little peace from them and all those unwanted

incoming texts, calls and voicemails not to mention the monthly bill.

Besides the annoyances described above is the actual panic when one can’t locate

their phone.

It’s near impossible if turned off and of course there’s the issue with battery drain.

I realize many folk from younger generations don’t share these views with regard

to telephones.

Would they change their minds? Doubtful.

One wish I can never has is to turn back time. I can remember though the days

when life was simple and we didn’t live in fear of answering our telephone(s).

Simply 6 Minutes: 7-13-2021

Prompt picture challenge – nature scene

Ah, today is going to be a good day (tell myself).

And so I scroll the reader for something positive to write about (challenge myself).

Alas several posts down, I find one I’ve participated in before (great).

But I’m unsure of the picture so take a ‘http’ trip and find a nature site (beautiful).

Collect as my clues as possible for a mini-story as six minutes passes quickly (undoubtedly).

Down another sip of mornin’ tea from my grey mug outlined cat words inscribed “Don’t

stress – Meow! (laughing out loud).

Eeks! I can’t go back and make corrections ‘block’ editor won’t allow. (sigh)

Quick attempt at a Tanka poem:

Vacation resort
Location unknown foreign
View extreme beauty
Photographic dream ne’er seen
Alarm rings wake up tis morn

Three Things Challenge #657

Today’s words: attire – desk – hiding

The woman dressed in casual attire to run errands.

At the bank she chose to use the ATM rather than chance

meeting a friend or acquaintance with her medium length hair

pulled back into a ponytail.

When the ATM machine prompted preference of denomination

of withdrawal currency she chose ‘no preference’.

Much to her surprise along with mostly twenties appeared a

crisp $100 bill.

It looked untouched and she decided to save it for a special

occasion then placed it in an envelope in her rather large tote bag.

Three weeks passed and suddenly she found herself low on cash.

Wait – she remembered the stored-for-later $100 only to turn up

empty-handed after a quick search.

Where could she have placed it for safe keeping?

She searched her usual places of which her desk was a most popular


Fifteen minutes had quickly flown by and she didn’t wish to be late

for an appointment.

She thought perhaps she’d dropped it and well whomever found it

was a little bit richer.

A few days later she took out all the ones, fives, tens and twenties

from her current ATM withdrawal and decided to place them in

order of denominations.

There in her wallet before her eyes was the crisp missing one-hundred

dollar bill.

It had been hiding unseen for near a month.

To herself she wondered how on earth it found its way from the

closed envelope to the inside pouch of her wallet.

A fleeting thought followed by an outburst of laughter.

She still hasn’t spent it; however, she did transfer it to a zippered

storage space.

Now she wonders if it will be there when she decides to look for

it or will it have found another hiding place.

A New Way of Thinking

If the mountain seems too big today
then climb a hill instead

If the morning brings you sadness
it’s okay to stay in bed

If the day ahead weighs heavy
and your plans feel like a curse

There’s no shame in rearranging
don’t make yourself feel worse

If a shower stings like needles
and a bath feels like you’ll drown

If you haven’t washed your hair for days
don’t throw away your crown

A day is not a lifetime
a rest is not defeat

Don’t think of it as failure
just a quiet, kind retreat

It’s okay to take a moment
from an anxious, fractured mind

The world will not stop turning
while you get realigned

The mountain will still be there
when you want to try again

You can climb it in your own time
just LOVE yourself until then.

~ Author Unknown