
Determination Is The Key

Usually being a beginner to the world of blogging, I bypass the daily prompts.

Today the suggested prompt word ‘harmonize’ sparked interest. It’s a word I’ve become used to hearing the past few months since resuming piano lessons two months ago.

Although away from the music instrumental world for a period of time, I returned with a passion fueled with desire to learn more and complete both of my Adult All-In-One Course Level 1 books.

Previously I had gone off course when I requested to learn certain artists’ tunes and of course I can’t forget those beautiful Christmas carols.

I chose without the instructor’s request to review the manual page by page starting with Page 1. This extra-curricular activity already paid off in the short term when this past week I mastered quite a difficult piece over a two-week period.

The instructor’s smile and input were a most heartwarming reward for all the effort I’d  put into self-discipline practice.

Harmony in piano is defined as playing notes together. It accompanies melody which is made up of notes played separately. I attained my goal to play both hands together in perfect harmony.

This senior citizen is quite pleased with herself and looking forward to the next challenge amidst the 30 pages shy of completion of that first level book.

In life one is never too old to learn.

Fibbing Friday`3rd May

Below you’ll find fictitious answers to 10 questions.

1. What is a Moo Moo?
Ans: sound from barnyard entertainer snapped guitar string
2. What is a Bow Wow?
Ans: a curtsey gone wrong at an award ceremony
3. What is Gee Gee?
Ans: students’ groans when their music teacher
failed to place ‘Bee’ before Gee Gee plus the ending ‘s’

4. What is Botty Cough?
Ans: noisy explosion from down under
5. What is Chookie Egg?
Ans: a fashionable hairstyle – a bird’s nest
6. What is Choo Choo?
Ans: the opening act of food processing
7. What is Tick Tock?
Ans: a bandit of sorts with regard to human lifespan
8. What is Paw Paw?
Ans: hug-like movement used by casino players encompassing slot machines
9. What is Heffalump?
Ans: a potbellied grunter
10. What are jammies?
Ans: cubes of preservatives spread on bread opposite peanut butter


One Liner Wednesday`May 1st

today’s prompt: sprung

Settings correct ‘power turned on’ then minutes later she heard

a loud scream from her 5-year-old standing outside the lower
level bathroom in two inches of water; the washing machine
hose had sprung a leak and poor kid was concerned for Mom
who didn’t know how to swim.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com


Fibbing Friday`26th April

prompt: 10 questions ` respond with fibs

1. Who do you associate with green fingers?
Ans: the pool guy sporting tattoos derived from medium to dark shades of
paste food coloring

2. Who or what was the Red Baron?
Ans: a popular fireside restaurant – no reservations required by wealthy diners

3. What was the significance of yellow ribbons around oak trees?
Ans: a decorative welcome signal – parents away for weekend ‘Let’s Party’

4. Why did Alice follow the White Rabbit?
Ans: It was the only forest animal available to play Hopscotch with her.

5. Who was the Black Knight?
Ans: the masked desperado Zorro’s cousin

6. What is Blue Moon?
Ans: rare occurrence when dust particles amid tears turn bluish color and shine

7. Do brown cows produce coloured milk?
Ans: whenever udders become clogged left for coffee – right for chocolate

8. Why was the Pink Panther pink?
Ans: a shortage of black dye at the hair stylists’ salon

9. Why are pandas black and white?
Ans: Readers chose to eliminate ‘red all over’ from the bear-like animal’s coat (no
resemblance to any newspaper).

10. What is a Silver Shadow?
Ans: the silhouette of too many coats of nail enamel
