Three Things Challenge #701

Today’s words: dawn – skip – frost

It’s nearing the end of August and the summer months will soon

be behind us.

When we access our weather apps early dawn the temperatures

for the day will have dropped into the 40s, then 30s.

Too soon the frost, the spent flowers followed by unwelcome snow.

I wish I could skip over those winter months – ones I used to enjoy.

There’s something to be said for the adage ‘Too soon we get old’.

Truthful Tuesday: August 24th 2021

Today’s question:

If you live somewhere that it’s essential to own a vehicle for day-to-day

living, if public transportation where you live were to suddenly be

improved to the point that it became a viable alternative to taking your

own vehicle, would you still feel the need to own a vehicle? On the flip

side, if you do live where there is decent public transportation, do you

still find it necessary to own a vehicle?


In 2009 I moved back to my hometown. My apartment complex is

located a few blocks from the last house I shared with my parents.

In comparison to the ‘now’ times public transportation was more

accessible back then and I recall days, months, years of taking the

bus to work (even two of them at one point in time).

Owning my own vehicle allowed me more independence with the

time schedule throughout the years; however, since I don’t drive

long distances nor every day the expense of owning a car may

outweigh the cost of public transportation.

I’ve given thought to leasing a vehicle which would cut my

yearly vehicle budget.

Recently I learned the town provides a service of a mini-bus

to local stores and for a $10.00 fee to cover the price of gas

a volunteer will drive you to out-of-town doctor’s visits.

I’m still pondering thoughts and options for upcoming year 2022.

One Liner Wednesday: August 25th 2021

Today’s prompt: good news – bad news

Curious, a few days ago I joined one of Facebook’s private groups, ‘I Don’t Like

People’ and found the high percentage of members weren’t ‘introverts’ rather

those who’d suffered at the hands of others which led them to no longer trust

any individual, even family members.